Tuesday, May 26, 2009

33; somewhere along in the bitterness.

I've officially realized something.


If I did, I would've been in such a sour mood today from last night's messages.
But I'm not. If I'm not, I obviously did not like HIM.
I just liked the idea of being with somebody because everyone and their mom is freakin' dating.

I really wanna switch back to Tumblr at this point.
Blogger pisses me off sometimes and gives me ugly layouts. D:
But Blogger offers comments. -_-


Unknown said...

i have tumblr too!
even though i don't update it.
it just automatically updates from my blogspot/twitter, hahaha.

-elle♡ said...

there's so many pretty blogger templates that you can download :D!!
why dont you just...put tumblr into blogger? =D
idk if i'm making sense >_>

Nicky said...

That's good that you realized you don't actually like him.