Friday, May 8, 2009

25; kkong kkong kkong.

I made a 90 on the final draft of my senior paper! My first draft was a 76. :3 I'm proud of myself, though every time I see somebody with a higher grade, my good mood drops a little and I become a little less proud of myself. :/

But then Business Law came around and we did the Quia quiz that we did yesterday. I made a 71 yesterday. That was not good at all and we even got to use the book. Today, I made a 100! I was so shocked. We learned about Google Docs on Gmail. 

After a little more than three to four months, I finally got a second letter from my French penpal, Nathalie. I've been looking on Janet's Store (you can Google it) for some letter pads. She has such cute things in her store! I've bought from her before. It's very cheap with quick shipping. I want to buy more, especially this Mikan pocky, holy crap. <3


. said...

Yeah, I was browsing on people's Facebooks and saw that you had one, so ~ I hope it's not creepy of me to be following your blog D;

萨曼塔|比丽 said...

Absolutely not creepy at all. :] I left it [the blog] public for everyone to view. :]

Unknown said...

they sweated like crazy
but the insoles kind of absorbed it? ya know?